Business Agent
Marketing & Promotion,Servicing
1. Recruiting 10,000 users per year
2. Increasing the user base by 30% in every following years.
Agency Commission Rate
Business Agent
Marketing & Promotion,Servicing
1. Recruiting 10,000 users per year
2. Increasing the user base by 30% in every following years.
Agency Commission Rate

Obtain Honors

Every day, the business development andcollection of accounts must not be empty, andyou have to bother studying financial reports?
Every day, the business development andcollection of accounts must not be empty, andyou have to bother studying financial reports?

Not only do you need to read accounts and reminders every day, but also keep an eye on the warehouse?
Not only do you need to read accounts and reminders every day, but also keep an eye on the warehouse?

TaxPlus Simple , Convenient , Use friendly , Zerotraining cost
TaxPlus Simple , Convenient , Use friendly , Zerotraining cost